Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Exeter High: 9 . Souhegan High: 0

Let me start by welcoming all of you to my blog. Hope you enjoy! This is my perspective, point of view, thoughts, opinions, on the world of hockey. My inspiration for blogging is credited to Ryan Norton, who is a blogspot regular. Thanks chum! The Zamboni has finished it's round, and away we go!...

Most often than not, on school vacations, I find myself looking for events to go, people to see, etc. My friend, who's ass will be kissed further on down the post, invited me to her hockey game. I figured I haven't seen her in a while and I'd really like to so, hell yeah! I'm there! I love hockey! 

I was expecting more of a packed house, it was so empty, it was honestly heart-breaking but neither team let it get in the way of their focus. I'm going to break the game down by period. I ask for forgiveness for not knowing any of the players' names from Exeter nor memorizing their numbers since I know only one player, I'll do my best to accurately describe the wonderment that happened before my eyes. Shots on goal will be listed, to the best of my recollection, would've helped if I had a notebook to properly take note.


The honest-to-God first thought I had was "MY GOD IT'S COLD" and my lack of warm clothing stole a bit of my focus at first. Things started out like any HS, NCAA, NHL game: steady doses of action, possession going back and fourth, both teams were getting a feel for how the others played. Scoring started for Exeter around the middle of the period. They played an excellent period, great puck control along the boards, Exceptional work on the power play moving the puck around the offensive zone, Souhegan was kept on their heals early and often this period. Shots on Goal: Exeter: 14 Souhegan: 2
EHS: 1 SHS: 0

Intermission: I ran outside to my coat so I wouldn't freeze to death and lose the thoughts I had about posting this and how I would put it all together. 


After warming up with a coat and an order of Curly Fries, I made my way back to my seat to further study the game. I soon found out that I missed the first 3 minutes of the period, and to my recollection I missed a goal! I don't know whether it was the stabilization of my body temperature, the curly fries, or my love for hockey (or all of the above) I was really getting into the game. Standing on my seat, cheering out "keep it up, hawks!" "NICE SAVE NUMBER ONE!", etc. After polishing off a favorite fried food, my focus was now squarely on the ice. Human error made it's appearance in the form of a referee waving off a goal when the puck was clearly in the net. It seemed however the ref pulled the puck out from under the bottom of the net, the puck was keeping the very bottom of the net off the ice. Fans who stood behind the Souhegan net-minder hollered "THAT'S A GOAL IT CROSSED THE LINE COME ON!!" This caught my attention, because they were right. Why didn't the ref blow his whistle and signal a goal when it clearly should've been given? Hmm.. Guess I'll never know. After this incident the action returned to the same patterns and pace as the beginning of the game, with the exception of it getting chippy out there between the combatants. Towards the end of the period Exeter scored again on a well executed give-and-go style breakaway leading to some nice deke moves by Exeter's Number 7, garnering a furious hand-clapping and loud hollering from yours truly. Shots on Goal: Exeter: 20 Souhegan: 4
EHS: 3 SHS: 0

Intermission: I decided that for the third, and final period, I would stand behind Tim Thomas.. er.. Elicia Zecchini, (most of you won't understand the joke, but if she reads this she'll get it) and try to get her attention to prove I was at the game to support her efforts in net.

This is where it got to be murderous and it started early on in the period. It seem like the goals often within the blink of an eye. It all started at the top of the zone. Souhegan put one of it's own in the penalty box on a tripping call at the end of the 2nd period. The power play carried over into the third frame. Lots of good puck movement by the blue line lead to a constantly open lane on the left 3rd of the ice, Goalie's left, spectator's right side. First the fourth goal was scored. Moments later, the fifth. Before you knew it, the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and eventually the ninth. All done in decently quick succession. I couldn't have been more proud of my friend Elicia. She had a shutout on her hands with a sizable lead. I thought about uttering it to myself under my breath but I couldn't risk jinxing what was to come. Souhegan peppered four shots her way, all handled with excellent goaltending technique. Exeter scored six goals on ten shots, I'm ball-parking the numbers. 
Final Score: EHS: 9 (should've been 10!!) SHS: 0

Now to the ass-kissing...

I just want to mention, again, how proud I am of Elicia. We talk often and I was honored to see her get her first shutout. A little info about her: She plays softball and hockey, quite well I might add. She's also an avid fan of the Bruins and Tim Thomas, who has been one of the top goalies 2 out of the last three years, dealing with slumps and losing the starting spot to now benchwarmer, Tuukka Rask, and who is the background of my blog! I joke with her and call her Tim Thomas whenever I read about her games on my local newspaper's website, and how it sounds whenever you hear Jack Edwards on NESN talk about such a spectacular save Thomas just made, even when Thomas just kicks the puck away on some half-hearted shot. Elicia if you're reading this I love you kiddo! You put a lot of heart and soul into what you do on the diamond, and on the ice. Don't ever give up. Remember... "Anything Is Possible"

75 percent of the credit for the win goes to her, because she directed her team with resilience whenever Souhegan pressed in the defensive zone, stopping shots with superb skill when she wouldn't see action for around 5 to 8 minutes at a time. Also having the focus to not let me distract her when I pounded on the glass to get her attention, which did happened and I was only able to give a quick thumbs up to explain how proud I really was. 

The game's end came with Exeter on the penalty kill. They stayed sharp although Souhegan had already conceded their defeat, or at least that's what their body language said. The final horn sounded and Exeter poured out of their bench to congratulate their victory and achievement for their young goalie. T-Squared..er.. Elicia..The goalie.. Raised her hands in the hair and had a smile that stretched from ear-to-ear, as her team swarmed her with greetings and praises for a valiant effort. After said accomplishment I waited with her family to see her and personally congratulate her for her shutout and excellent play. She came out to intense hugging from her younger brother and sister, and parents, and yours truly, All bringing a smile to her face, knowing she had support in the stands, no matter how empty the stands were.

Twas my first game at The Rinks At Exeter, a locally owned and operated facility in Exeter, NH. It was great to see a friend I haven't seen in a long while, see her accomplish something as a shutout, and seeing all the joy it brought to her and her parents, who were in attendance.

This is the first of what I hope to be entertaining, or insightful. If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me by facebook or email. Email address is Soldierside619@yahoo.com

Keep It Classy New Hampshire,

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